1. creative ways
Questions for number 1 – 5
The BOLD reference words in this paragraph below are either “anaphoric, cataphoric or exophoric”. Identify whether the reference words are anaphoric, cataphoric, or exophoric by selecting your choice.
For many years, East German people devised creative ways to sneak out of East Germany. Some people dug tunnels; others tried crashing through checkpoints with cars, trucks, or busses; still others flew out in small airplanes or balloons. One woman tied herself to the bottom of a car and passed through a checkpoint unnoticed. And one family sewed fake Russian uniforms for themselves; then, they pretended to be Russian soldiers and simply drove through a checkpoint. Some desperate people tried scrambling over a barbed-wire fence or a wall. These people were often shot. |
2. others
Use the same text in number 1!
3. still others
Use the same text in number 1!
4. themselves
Use the same text in number 1!
5. these people
Use the same text in number 1!
6. the Basic Treaty
Questions for number 6 – 13
The BOLD reference words in the two paragraphs below are either “anaphoric, cataphoric or exophoric”. Identify whether the reference words are anaphoric, cataphoric, or exophoric by selecting your choice.
On 21 December 1972, the Basic Treaty was signed by East and West Germany, and relations between the two countries started to improve. During the next two decades, they began to cooperate with each other by sharing cultural and commercial activities such as arts exchange programs and joint business ventures. However, East Germans were still dissatisfied, for their living standard was lower than that of West Germany. Their industries produced inferior goods, and their country was polluted from inferior mining methods and careless industrial waste.
7. the two countries
Use the same text in number 6!
8. each other
Use the same text in number 6!
9. activities
Use the same text in number 6!
10. their (living standar)
Use the same text in number 6!
11. that
Use the same text in number 6!
12. their (industries)
Use the same text in number 6!
13. their country
Use the same text in number 6!
14. their (country)
Questions for number 14- 20
In the paragraphs below, certain single words and groups of words are BOLD. Read through the paragraphs and choose that you think are actual “reference words.”
Because of the untenable situation in their country, East Germans became increasingly frustrated. Suddenly in 1989, East Germans who took vacations in Hungary and Czechoslovakia discovered that these countries would allow (them) to go into West Germany. But then, the East German government tried to prevent people from going into those countries. East Germans became even more frustrated and angry. People in many (East German cities) began to mount massive demonstrations. They) insisted on an end to their communist government. Most of all they demanded freedom to travel. The demonstrations became intense.
15. who
Use the same text in number 14!
16. vacation
Use the same text in number 14!
17. them
Use the same text in number 14!
18. people
Use the same text in number 14!
19. those countries
Use the same text in number 14!
20. massive demonstration
Use the same text in number 14!