9 Journal Analysis: SBY

9 Journal Analysis: SBY

UNIT 7 Example of Journal Analysis COHESION AND COHERENCE IN ENGLISH SPEECH TEXT OF SUSILO BAMBANG YUDHOYONO (SBY) IN ASIAN FORUM, JAKARTA, 9 MARCH 2008 A. Introduction Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=pidato+sby+di+asian+forum+2008 The purpose of this study is to explore the elements of cohesion and coherence embodied in the text of the speech of English used by Susilo…

8 Written Language

8 Written Language

UNIT 6 Written Language 1. Introduction Both spoken and written discourse the active listener and the active reader are engaged in very similar processes from discourse analysis as to how different texts are organized and how the process of creating written text is realized at various levels, from small units to large, the more likely…

7 Spoken Language

7 Spoken Language

UNIT 5 Spoken Language 1. Introduction Different types of speech in people’s everyday lives: telephone calls (business and private) service encounters (shops, ticket offices, etc.) interviews (jobs, journalistic, in official settings) classroom (classes, seminars, lectures, tutorials) rituals (church prayers, sermons, weddings) monologues (speeches, stories, jokes) language-in-action (talk accompanying doing: fixing, cooking, assembling, demonstrating, etc.) casual…

4 Unit2-Meet4

Meet 4 Discourse Analysis and Grammar By Dr. Bejo Sutrisno, M.Pd. DOWNLOAD PDF BASIC COMPETENCE Recognize the nature of Grammar discourse to obtain theoretical knowledge based on the use of Anaphoric, cataphoric and exophoric references. You Have to: Understand the concept of References; Understand the anaphoric, cataphoric and exophoric references; be able to analyze the…

2 Unit1-Meet2

Meet 2 Speech acts and discourse structures By Dr. Bejo Sutrisno, M.Pd. DOWNLOAD eBOOK BASIC COMPETENCE Recognize the use of speech act and discourse structures to obtain theoretical knowledge based on the understanding of spoken discourse models You Have to: Understand the speech acts and discourse structures; Understand the model of spoken discourse; able to…

3 Unit1-Meet3

Meet 3 Written Discourse By Dr. Bejo Sutrisno, M.Pd. DOWNLOAD PDF BASIC COMPETENCE Recognize the nature of written discourse to obtain theoretical knowledge based on the rule of Cohesion. You Have to: Understand the concept of Cohesion; Understand the Type of Cohesion; be able to interprete the cohesion analysis. Watch the explanation of Cohesion and…